Clearing Climate Change

This article was written by a guest writer, Poorna Prakash.


    Wildfires are a fast-spreading threat; the blazing ribbons of fire harm living beings of all kinds as they incinerate forests. In addition, a swirling mass of dark clouds appear overhead, the wind picks up speed, and the hurricane approaches the unsuspecting cities. There are numerous causes to these changes in the weather patterns, including humans themselves, overheating (also known as global warming), and many other natural and unnatural events occurring throughout the world. However, this growing problem can be solved by lowering greenhouse gases and using renewable energy sources.

    One way of saving our environment is by lowering the amount of greenhouse gases in the air around us. Any gas is described as a greenhouse gas if it is capable of absorbing the infrared radiation around us, and thereby trapping the heat in the atmosphere and holding it there. A few examples of greenhouse gases include water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, and ozone. By drastically reducing greenhouse gas emissions, we can slow down the rate of temperature increase. In order to stabilize the concentrations of greenhouse gases by 2050, the world needs to make a 60-80% cut in emissions of these gases. By recycling, using less heat and AC, planting trees to provide clean oxygen, and getting a home energy audit to check the amount of energy you use in your home, you are actively aiding the decrease in the amount of greenhouse gases. The Paris Agreement, which was ratified by almost every country in 2015, lowered global greenhouse gas emissions and led to the global temperature increase staying under 2℃.

    Another way to decrease greenhouse gases is by using renewable energy sources. Companies such as Tesla are making cars that benefit the environment with new technologies that prevent direct emissions. In addition, having solar panels on your roof helps decrease the amount of greenhouse gas emissions. Another type of renewable energy is hydroelectricity, which is known to be the most widely-used renewable energy source. Hydropower provides numerous benefits including flood control, irrigation, and water supply. By utilizing electrical cars and other natural resources for energy, we lessen the risk of unnatural weather patterns and we get a few steps closer to rendering our climate the nourishment it needs to become a better living condition.

    Although these natural implementations could take some time, they will slowly reduce global warming and severe weathering. There may be some unnatural ways to lower global warming. In fact, after Mount Pinatubo, in the Philippines, erupted, there have been many ideas by scientists all over the world for artificial reflective surfaces, such as launching gigantic mirrors into space to orbit around the earth, building wind-powered ice machines, or scattering silica beads throughout the Arctic. Although this way is faster, it could cause droughts, flooding, and destructive crop failures. Compared to these scary outcomes, there are many more recommended ways to reduce climate change than solar geoengineering, which takes a longer time but is more natural.

    Our world is slowly going into poor shape, and we must try to get it back. By utilizing natural resources such as lowering greenhouse gases, and using renewable energy sources, we are one step closer to living in a safe environment. In addition to using these sources, we must enact an action plan to be able to protect groups of people, especially those who are vulnerable. By putting these plans in place, we are one step closer to saving countries that are exposed to extreme weathering.






Poorna :P

Poorna is a high school student who loves to travel, code, and find ways to strengthen and unite our generation. She wants to pursue a career in either the medical or law field, but she is open to trying anything new!


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