Astrology: Mercury Retrograde

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Astrology is quite popular among young Americans, with more than half of 18-24-year-olds believing that it is a science, according to a National Science Foundation poll conducted in 2014. The term ‘Mercury Retrograde’ may sound complicated, but it’s a very interesting, but unnerving topic in astrology. The word “retrograde” itself  comes from the Latin word retrogradus, which means “backward step.” When the planet Mercury enters retrograde motion, that marks the beginning of a span of misfortune down on Earth. Retrograde motion is when a planet appears, when observed from Earth, to reverse direction. This happens due to an optical illusion caused by differences in orbit. When the Earth overtakes an outer planet, that planet appears to travel backward, as compared to the stars. For the inner planets, Mercury and Venus, the mechanism that causes them to turn retrograde is the same, but in reverse. Mercury and Venus appear to go retrograde when they lap us.

Since Mercury is the fastest planet in our solar system, it enters apparent retrograde motion between three and four times a year, for about three weeks at a time. The dates are 30 January to 21 February, 29 May to 22 June, and 27 September to 23 October. The first retrograde is happening in the astrological sign of Aquarius, which is proving to be a very significant sign this year, with the new Age of Aquarius. Because Mercury is the planet said to rule communication, those who are astrologically inclined experience frequent misunderstandings, scheduling problems, and disagreements with friends and family during this period. 

Here are the effects the Mercury Retrograde will have on the different signs:

  • Aries (March 21-April 19)

As patience isn’t their forte, the Aries are advised to summon that trait and be more thoughtful when expressing their ideas and working with others. Sharing thoughts within a collaborative setting can easily get ugly if they’re not careful as people can get offended. 

  • Taurus (April 20-May 20)

The event will have a particularly strong influence on a Taurus’ work life. They are prone to run into some delays on projects or have trouble expressing themselves professionally.

  • Gemini (April 21-June 20)

Mercury’s mix-ups could disable Geminis from looking at the big picture clearly, and cause them to turn their personal beliefs into rigid dogmas, trapping them in a bit of a pickle. They should keep an eye out for potential miscommunications and be open to different points of view.

  • Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Cancers are advised to use this period to do some deep inner reflection and examine their emotional baggage, instead of getting emotionally mixed up in other people’s problems. If they’re willing to think outside the box and trust their inner self, they can start working through the past hurts that have been weighing them down.

  • Leo (July 23-August 22)

This retrograde will affect Leos; relationship sector for sure, so they might feel some tension in their love lives. Past disagreements could resurface if they’re not thinking about their words and practicing good listening skills.

  • Virgo (August 23-September 22)

For Virgos, Mercury's scheduling mishaps will be the most aggravating aspect of this retrograde. Even the best efforts to plan for the future will almost certainly be overcome by unexpected obstacles, so it's best to stay flexible about timing.

  • Libra (September 23-October 22)

Libras might find it hard to generate fresh creative ideas unlike usual. Though, if they look to their past for some inspiration, they might find that some old, nearly-forgotten ideas could be spruced up using the power of hindsight.

  • Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

This retrograde may take Scorpios on an emotional inward journey. Rather than wallowing in memories or attempting to suppress them entirely, they are advised to be open to discussing their problems with people they trust.

  • Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)

Sagittariuses will feel at a loss for words under this retrograde. If they're not careful, their social life could devolve into a mess of confused texts, typo-ridden emails, and missed calls over the next few weeks.

  • Capricorn (December 22-January 19)

This retrograde may affect Capricorns in the financial sphere, causing them to spend more money than usual. They are advised to avoid making big purchases they may regret later.

  • Aquarius (January 20-February 18)

With the retrograde taking place entirely within their zodiac sign, it will personally affect the Aquarius sign. They're usually full of strong opinions and new ideas, but they might be unable to form a thought that feels like their own.

  • Pisces (February 19-March 20)

The first retrograde of the year will have a spiritual impact on Pisces. They'll ponder how their quest for enlightenment relates to their collective goals, so it’s encouraged to be present with their thoughts rather than distracting themselves to avoid discomfort.

The Mercury Retrograde can be feared by many, but it’s better to embrace the challenges and opportunities it presents. A list of ways to thrive during the last few days of and after Mercury in retrograde includes surrendering to slowdowns, participating in a cleanout at home, reaching out to people you’ve become distant with for a sense of closure, and most importantly, be careful with yourself and those around you. These times can be hard for many, but with a positive attitude, you’re bound to come out of this feeling better than ever!

Sonakshi Thakuria

Sonakshi is 16-year-old sophomore at her high school in Virginia. She loves to read, art journal, and tutor children in her free time. Sonakshi hopes to one day work at NASA as an aerospace engineer.

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