Effects of Sand Mining on the Environment

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Sand Mining has its drastic effects on our environment, it’s odd to see how few people have any knowledge about sand mining. Nearly 32 to 50 tonnes of sand are mined each year which makes it one of the largest extractive industries on the planet. You may think well we have enough sand in the world to use for our uses without harming the environment, right? No. Unfortunately, not only does sand mining have detrimental effects, but we’re running out of sand.

Sand mining is most likely an environmental crisis that nobody has heard or talked much about. Sand mining is the extraction of sand from beaches, open pits, and inland dunes. It can also be dredged from rivers and oceans. Sand is used in numerous ways. This includes construction, glass, decorative pieces, household items, concrete, asphalt, and much more. Sand is typically used in construction materials such as concrete and asphalt to create properties of strength. Certain types of sand, like industrial-grade sand with silica, are used to make a type of glass insulation and specialty glasses such as computer monitors, television screens, test tubes, etc. Sand is very commonly used for decorative pieces and landscapes. It is even used in aquariums to create artificial coral reefs and on man-made beaches. During winter when the roads get slippery, salt and sand are often mixed and placed on icy roads to lower the melting point. Sand is used in various ways from roads to the glass to even simple household objects.

While sand has numerous purposes, sand mining has many detrimental effects on our environment. Sources show that some impacts include bed degradation, bed coarsening, lowered water tables, channel instability, degradation of aquatic and riparian biota, which could lead to the weakening of bridges, and much more. Excessive extraction of sand from rivers causes the degradation of rivers. The depletion of sand in river beds and other smaller water sources deepen them which can lead to bank erosion and saline-water intrusion (from nearby seas). Loss of sand in river beds, streams, and coastal areas is a threat to structures. Sand mining also affects groundwater systems, used by locals of the water source for agriculture, and more. Sand mining has major ecological effects, as it can destroy wildlife habitats, which causes a decrease in biodiversity, productivity, and recreational possibilities. It can also lower land and decrease its value. Human activities of sand mining have caused numerous, drastic effects such as river quality, degradation, the stability of structures and river/streambeds, removal of vegetation, destruction of soil, destruction of habitats within the aquatic ecosystem, and possible intrusion of the sea’s saltwater with freshwater.

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Most countries around the world have sand mining industries because the demand for sand increases as it proves to be useful in many ways. Countries such as the United States, Australia, India, and many more import and export sand without taking into account the serious environmental repercussions. India banned the mining of sand in its rivers and beaches as it fuels the black market, yet, that has not stopped the illegal trade and mining of sand in numerous states in India. In places like Kerala, the immense demand for sand has caused people to continue mining for sand and form groups of what are now called “Sand Mining Mafias''. These so-called “Sand Mining Mafias” have caused many serious environmental concerns including the deepening of river beds, destruction of aquatic wildlife, and degradation of river beds.

While sand proves to be a useful resource for construction, glass, decorative pieces, household items, concrete, asphalt, and much more. Its horrific effects on the environment outweigh the benefits. Not only are there severe detriments to the environment, but the lack of information spread to the public regarding these issues is alarming. The next steps to tackling this issue would be to increase public awareness and educate each other because sand mining is an issue that must be rapidly addressed.


  1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sand_mining

  2. http://www.madehow.com/Volume-3/Sand.html#:~:text=Sand%20is%20used%20to%20provide,molding%20material%20for%20metal%20casting

  3. http://samedayaggregates.com/the-many-uses-of-sand/

  4. http://threeissues.sdsu.edu/three_issues_sandminingfacts01.html#:~:text=Excessive%20instream%20sand%2Dand%2Dgravel,river%20mouths%20and%20coastal%20inlets

  5. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/0035919X.2016.1209701?journalCode=ttrs20

  6. https://wwf.panda.org/wwf_news/?333451%2FUncovering-sand-minings-impacts-on-the-worlds-rivers#:~:text=Other%20impacts%20are%20hard%20to,deltas%20%E2%80%93%20with%20the%20loss%20of

  7. https://iasscore.in/national-issues/sand-mining-and-its-impact


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