Save Ralph: The Short Film That Brought Tears to Many People

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Save Ralph - A short Film with Taika Waititi: 

Save Ralph is an animated short film that was first released on April 6th in the United States, however it's a 4 min video and that  helped a lot for going viral and reaching more people due to being posted on instagram, facebook, youtube and many more. The film was directed and written by Spencer Susser and along the cast were Zac Efron (as bobby), Taika Waititi (as Ralph), Ricky Gervais (as interviewer), Tricia Helfer (as Cottonballs), Pom Klementieff (as cinnamon) and Olivia Munn (as Marshmallow). The video presents the story and daily routine that Ralph, a bunny,  goes through as a tester in a lab, as he is being interviewed for a documentary. 

This film made many people feel overwhelmed because it shows the raw reality of animal experiments for chemical-poisoning tests for cosmetics and their ingredients. As the movie goes on, in one part Ralph’s job starts and in this particular task they inject a liquid in his eyes while the other bunnies start screaming to leave him alone, later on we see Ralph with his eye irritated and his back with blood and open. This particular part of the video show how animal testing are, before that the mayority of the people though that the way the animals were test was by just putting the makeuo over their faces as a human does but it is not like that and we have to adress the fact that these experiments have been used repeatedly throughout the history.

In the Early Greek physician-scientists, such as Aristotle  and Erasistratus  performed experiments on living animals. Likewise, Galen,  a Greek physician, conducted animal experiments to advance the understanding of anatomy, physiology, pathology, and pharmacology. Ibn Zuhr (Avenzoar), an Arab physician in twelfth century Moorish Spain, introduced animal testing as an experimental method for testing surgical procedures before applying them to human patients. Nowadays, the practice is now banned in 40 nations but  chemical laws are increasingly  to require new animal testing  and The Humane Society International answered a question that many people may have and it was “ Can’t companies refuse to conduct new animal tests?” to which their response was “ Companies–like the rest of us–must obey the law, and unfortunately some chemical laws are being used to require ingredient suppliers to commission new animal tests for cosmetic chemicals. Some ingredient companies are pushing back, with administrative and legal challenges on the grounds that Europe’s chemical law stipulates that animal testing may only be performed as a last resort.” 

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In addition to all of this, it is extremely important to know that bunnies are not the only animals being test on, mice, fish, rats, rabbits, guinea pigs, hamsters, farm animals, birds, cats, dogs, mini-pigs, monkeys, and in some countries, chimpanzees are inflicting both physical pain as well as psychological distress and the saddest part of this is that it’s estimated that 9 out of every 10 candidate medicines that appear safe and effective in animal studies fail when given to humans. 

Technology is advancing each year and with that scientifics can benefit from it and use alternative, human-relevant research tools, such as Tissue-on-a-Chip. Tissue-on-a-chip models, or microphysiological systems, are a fusion of engineering and advanced biology. High-Throughput Screening. High-throughput screening can perform many different tests very quickly. In Silico. 3-D Bioprinting. Imaging. Microdosing.  

As we saw animal testing is not what we think it was so how we can help with this issue? First,  find a reliable website and look through countries and companies that allowed/used animal testing and informed yourself about tests on animals very well.

Second, look up countries and companies that do not use animal testing.

Third, If you have any of the products that test on animals, DON’T THROW IT AWAY! finish it up and next time don’t buy the same product instead find a cruelty-free product.

Fourth , support, donate and help champaigns that are against animal testing and try to spread the issue to many people as you can. 

And last but not least, Keep informing yourself about cruelty on animals not only in the experimental tests but also in agriculture, farms, fishing and more. It’s never too late to make a change and  help the planet and the animals that live on it, as well as informing yourself about plastic and the zero-waste movement.

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