The Importance of Habits and Routines

The Days Before

For some school is on and for others move in days or the first days are just around the corner. The days before school can be stressful for all especially with so much to do after a long summer. Just making sure to do some of the following can help make the day of school not so stressful. 

  • Catching up on some previous grades material/reviewing some material if provided

  • Knowing your schedule and where to go for your first day classes

  • Moving into college or university prior and organizing to avoid confusion and mess

  • Taking some self care time (Hair appointment, mani/pedi, shopping for new clothes, movie night, face mask, cleaning, spa day, facial, or anything that makes you happy.)

  • Talking to yourself and remaining calm and prepared for what is to come in the year. 

  • Getting in touch with friends who have the same classes as you. 

  • Knowing your mode of transportation and clearing anything out of the way before school starts.

The Night Before

The night before, prepare yourself mentally for a calm and better year, just like one you hoped for. Here are some things to make sure are done the night before. 

  • Backpack is packed with everything you may need, or everything from a list you were given. Make sure you don't forget anything under stress. 

  • Clothes are picked out for the next day. 

    • Whether this is your uniform or just a nice outfit you bought, try to look presentable. Especially if you are someone who is picky, then it is best to plan two outfits and decide what you feel in the morning. Try to look neutral and put together, presentable as well for that first impression. 

  • Pack a lunch, try cutting your fruits, preparing your sandwich or purchasing lunchware things beforehand. This will help you have more time in the morning for the more important things!

  • Know your schedule, make sure you know someone who is going to the same place as you, on the same bus as you or just know where to go. This will save you from some first day anxiety. 

  • Set an alarm for the morning and go to sleep early! 

Preparing Physically

Physically preparing is not the main thing when going back to school however it may just include routines. After summer everyone feels like they slept a bit too much and their screen time may have gone a bit out of control. Everyone does it, so it’s okay however just try to get back to the school routine a bit early. This way it won't be such a hard task on the first day. Possibly a week before try replacing your nighttime phone scroll, with reading a book. Sleep 30 minutes earlier everyday and work it down to sleeping by 10PM or earlier. Try waking up earlier 30 minutes everyday as well to prepare for those early mornings. 

Preparing Socially

The social gap created during this pandemic period is one that cannot be questioned and was unseemingly large. Isolating from friends and family and using text as the main method of communication is so draining and reduces our confidence and skills overall. Being socially active is highly important when it comes to being a part of the competition, working in groups and teams and trying to learn as a 21st century learner. Going back to school means having to make a good first impression on the teacher, on students and keep it that way all year round. Engaging in class conversations and doing well/participating highly. To prepare socially it is good to try having some facetime calls with friends, find something in common or share your stories after such a long summer. Joining a non profit organization and join meetings, meet new people and work on social activity. 

The Morning Of

The morning of, just a few hours before your first day of school, in person or not. A shower might help you feel fresh on the first day however your normal hygiene routine is always great. Everything should be done the night before so the morning should be a breeze. Listen to calm music, drink some water and eat a healthy, filling breakfast. Head out, shoulders back and head up. Don’t forget your mask and hand sanitizer before leaving the house. Double check everything before you leave and make sure you get to school on time! Remember to stay confident and do what helps most to calm your nerves. 

Arriving at School

Arriving at school is the moment when you make your first impression. This is not only important on the first day, neither is anything else on this post. It is when you will see new people and new teachers. Make sure to stay distant but wave to everyone, say “good morning” or “I am glad to be here.” Anything that will help them remember you. It is always amazing to make connections with teachers at school, they will help in the future when you need references or teacher connections for questions or guidance. On the first day, try not to get distracted by friends and head straight to the right class. Take a deep breath and enjoy your first day!

At School

All year round make sure to focus at school, never let your education and your passions get behind you. Make sure to showcase your learning by participating in class and working efficiently and appropriately. Always try your best and study on time and well. Join lots of clubs at school so it makes you feel busier, happier and gain new knowledge. Later on this will also help with getting into better schools. Make sure to get volunteer hours throughout your school so it can look good on your resume. Make sure to consider everything when it comes to your education.

After School

After school can consist of a routine that helps you best complete your homework, study for tests, attend any clubs or extracurriculars, spend time with your family/friends and unwind for the day. Here are a few tips for a good after school routine:

  • Come home from school and change to get rid of all the germs from school and preserve your clothes or uniform. 

  • Eat something nutritious (apple and dip, smoothie, oatmeal or anything you enjoy!)

  • Spend very little time watching or checking social media after school, save it for later. 

  • Get on to your work right away, start early and finish early. 

  • Set a candle, drink warm tea, and hydrate, anything really that helps you focus. 

  • Don’t burn yourself by working for too long, try working 20 minutes then taking a 5 minute break and repeating. 

  • Eat a full dinner so you can sleep well and not feel hungry around midnight. 

  • Sleep early and stay organized with a planner or online planner such as “Notion.”

Long Term

After school can consist of a routine that helps you best complete your homework, study for tests, attend any clubs or extracurriculars, spend time with your family/friends and unwind for the day. Here are a few tips for a good after school routine:

  • Come home from school and change to get rid of all the germs from school and preserve your clothes or uniform. 

  • Eat something nutritious (apple and dip, smoothie, oatmeal or anything you enjoy!)

  • Spend very little time watching or checking social media after school, save it for later. 

  • Get on to your work right away, start early and finish early. 

  • Set a candle, drink warm tea, and hydrate, anything really that helps you focus. 

  • Don’t burn yourself by working for too long, try working 20 minutes then taking a 5 minute break and repeating. 

  • Eat a full dinner so you can sleep well and not feel hungry around midnight. 

  • Sleep early and stay organized with a planner or online planner such as “Notion.”

SOURCES:'t,focus%2C%20organization%2C%20and%20 productivity.

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