Things YOU Can Do to Help Our Earth

Instead of just scrolling through social media or playing games all day, why don't you take a bigger, more beneficial step to help our earth? As a teenager, you might think that you are unable to help the worsening of climate change or the pollution that has been happening for the past decades. But there are ways that you can do to lessen what has been happening and make a difference, these small steps can be very beneficial if a lot of people do so. 

Here are 7 things that you can do to help!

This beautiful planet is Earth! We need to protect it, as it is our home.

  • Get educated and informed

    The more you understand about the environmental problems all around the world, you will be able to help the world’s environment and change your bad habits.

  • Use your education to influence others

    It is pointless if only you understand the environmental issues and conditions, you can’t change the world alone. So, raise others' awareness about it! Make them act as well as educate more people! 

  • Change your daily routine!

    • Take shorter showers

      Of course everyone showers on a daily basis around 2 to 3 times a day. But, did you know a dripping faucet can waste 3,000 gallons a year? It can seem like water is cheap and abundant, but access to clean water is an issue for billions of people around the world.

    • Turn electronics off when you don't need it

      Electronics costs money to operate, the money pays for the power of plants that produce that electricity and usually release pollutants into the environment in the process.

    • Ride your bike or walk instead of driving / being driven

      Automobiles are one of the primary causes of air pollution. Besides, walking or riding bikes are much healthier and more fuel efficient.

    • Eat less meat

      You don't have to be a vegetarian because of this, but eating less meat will probably do your body good while helping the planet.

  • Reduce plastic

    • Buy eco-friendly products

      Seek out products that don't test on animals and don't contain a lot of chemicals. There are many more natural or organic products available out there these days. You can choose products without excess packaging as well, think about the excessive waste such over-packaging creates.

    • Carry a tote bag and reusable straw / water bottle

      These things prevent a lot of plastic waste. By using your own reusable necessities, you won't need to use and throw away disposable items.

    • Donate old clothes, toys, electronics, books, etc

      Someone else probably needs donations of those things. Other than helping them, you also reduce the amount of trash in the world.

    • Recycle what you can

  • Save paper

    Avoid taking unnecessary printouts. Use recycled paper. In the process of making paper, 24 trees are estimated to be chopped down to make 1 ton of standard office paper.

  • Going green 

    During the pandemic, you can start planting trees near your house and encouraging your families and friends to do so. These trees take up CO2 from the atmosphere and store that carbon in their trunks, stems and leaves, so the more plants, the less CO2 to worry about.

  • Keep learning

    Learn about many more environmental issues and ways to help them. Take the best education, join webinars and organizations, and don’t forget to take action!

An estimated 24 trees are cut down to make only 1 ton of paper.


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Urbanization and Ecology