Gen Z: We Are The Future

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What about the other wars the world isn’t talking enough about?

         The world has been watching the War in Ukraine closely, fearing the next steps of the country ruled by Putin. Besides the horror of a War and the trauma, fortunately the Ukrainian people have been receiving empathy and help from everywhere across the Occident. However, it isn't because our televisions and social media are all filled with information about the Ukraine War that this is the only one happening. Here are three (3) conflicts happening for years already that we should also be talking about:


According to the UN, the war in the country caused the worst humanitarian disaster in the world. Over 233.000 people were killed until 2022 and over 71% of the Yemen population need humanitarian help to keep surviving. The conflict is a consequence of the political crisis that happened in 2011 during the Arab Spring, when the president Saleh gave out of his power to his vice-president, Hadi, after a series of protests against the government.

The Houthis, a political-religious movement of the country, took Capital City Sanna years later, 2014, and Hadi left the country. In 2015, the U.S, UK and France supported Saudi Arabia and 8 more countries to attack Yemen through air. Since then the conflict just got worse. In 2022, the UN projections expect up to an additional 1.6 million people in the coming months to be in emergency levels of hunger, totaling 7.3 million by the end of the year.


It began in 2011 during the Arab Spring, the people went to the streets to protest against Bashar al-Assad’s government (known by its dictatorship characteristics), who repressed the manifestants aggressively causing a lot of deaths. In 2012, ISIS started growing its power in the country, and in 2014 they took control over part of Syria and Iraq. Over a decade of war, more than 499.657 deaths occured (according to an article from BBC Brazil). 

It is estimated that more than 150.000 deaths were caused by the Syrian government itself, and that many were from torture in prisons that are run by al-Assad's government. The country remains at war to this day with regions being controlled by the Syrian government, rebel groups, jihadists and the Syrian Democratic Forces.

Al-Assad's government's biggest allies have been Russia and Iran until the moment.


The country has 3 main ethinic groups — Oromo, Amhara, Tigray. The Tigray, also a region of the country, has been demanding its autonomy. The region is very rich in oil and schist. In november 2020, the armed conflict started after the Tigray region attacked a government military base. Until now, the conflict caused 2 million people to leave their homes. Many kids have been suffering from hunger and the Tigray rebels have been closer to the capital city, concerning people that it may become a civil-war. 


[1] [Por que a guerra da Síria continua após 11 anos? ]By BBC Brasil

[2] [Entenda o conflito na Etiópia, que está à beira da guerra civil ]By BBC Brasil

[3] [A primavera Árabe e seus desdobramentos em Atualidades] By Descomplica

[4] [Guerra na Síria ]By Toda Materia