A Toxic Contamination

Background information:

This poem was actually an unfinished one that I wrote back in late 2020. It was based on a combination of words that are turned into a story of a person originally being in the dark. With this rewritten version, I have created it for this “toxic contamination” to be an event or substance that has been ignored and is now attacking everyone that has been involved. It could be global warming, covid-19, neglected neighborhoods, anything that could come to mind. This poem could go to any interpretation. Whether it’s the first original plan or what it is now.

Drop, drop, drop;

they’re falling down all in a hurry.

Falling to get where they want

what they desired.

Splash, splash, splash.

They hit oh so softly, but it felt like a bang;

a bang that screams like a drum.

Blop, blop, blop.

As soon as they hit, the agonizing burn increases.

Toxic contamination.

Making it crumble and shrivel

until the petals were nothing by dry;

until they’re nothing but dust.

Oh, how it burns;

how it burns like hellfire.

Oh, how it aches.

The fire surrounded everywhere, never leaving it alone.

They see it crumble, but don’t know why it’s crumbling

don’t know why the droplets approached it,

don’t know why it burns like fire,

don’t know why it’s contaminated,

don’t know why the pain isn’t fading away.


It washed away,

and it was reborn, once again

as it blossomed into life.

Just like that, the burns danced away with the air

as if it never approached 

nor contaminated it with

its harmful juices and ways.

The petals began to grow and glitter

as it embraces the sunlight and the cleanliness of the air.




that this happiness could remain for all of eternity.

That’ll grow for an infinite amount

of time to be true

Let time be paused so this moment can be 


Don’t let it be a memory for it to be 


Swish, swish, swish;

the wind seems to be singing.

No, wait,


Yelling, perhaps

of the misfortune that is once again emerging.

Then, drop, drop, 

they’re diving from the clouds,

prepared to rain on the parade

without a single care in the world.

Splash, splash, splash;

they’re hitting on the petals once again

as the acid burns it away.

It withers 

like the others in the garden wither along.

They are all being crumbled and 

contaminated by the negatives.

Confused as to why this has come to be.

When in reality,

they were the cause of this “fantasy” all along.

Ignoring the toxic contamination 

was the warning after all.


[1] https://www.fairwarning.org/2017/02/novel-way-dealing-toxic-waste/




everything will be okay